Monday, June 30, 2008

Last message from Orokie.


Pure Cocoa said...

I've been here 2x today hoping for some clue as to how I can help. Nothing here helps. What gives?

Afriboy said...

Dear Pure Cacao Joy, I wish I knew what to tell you. I have continued to speak with Orokie's relatives, but they no nothing and are as puzzled as his friends are. The help message is quite specific: drowning, Hermes, a coded message to his alchemist (a long story). More generally, it speaks of some psychological disturbance. No response has come to any question about how help might be offered. I have contacted all his known email friends, but none have any news to give. Last time trouble came, Orokie sent a message via close friends, but nothing has come from them.

BronzeBuckaroo said...

To the best of my ability, I want to help.